How Sponsorships Help Us | It's a Team Effort

​Mannequin Night would not be possible without the generous donations of our sponsors.
Their contributions help us with:
Safety traffic planning and street closures
Sanitation and portable restroom facilities
Event insurance
Live entertainment and sound system
Prizes for Best Mannequin, Best Window Display, and Crowd Favorite
Paid media and advertising
Banners, posters, and other promotional material
How to Become a Sponsor
Interested in sponsoring our event? Well, you've come to the right place. We value our sponsors greatly, without you this event wouldn't be possible. Thank you. Check out the benefits below to see if sponsorship is right for you and or your organization. We're happy to accept donations of any size! But a gold level donation will get you lots of extra benefits!
Not from around here? No worries, we accept from anyone, anywhere that is willing to help support our event.
To become a sponsor, fill out the form linked below and email it to mannequinnight@yahoo.com. We will reach out to you shortly after we receive your form with more details. New submission are required each year.
​Gold Status ($500+)​
Your organization's name included on:
All Mannequin Night promotional materials such as our t-shirts, banners, and posters, etc.
Our Facebook page and website
Paid advertisements on various media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Printed Flyers)
*Must have donations in by (enter date) to guarantee your Gold status

All Other Donations are appreciated but will not share in the gold status benefits
HOW DO I BECOME A SPONSOR? You can contact Mannequin Night directly with any questions or request our newsletter and sponsorship form at mannequinnight@yahoo.com
IS THERE A MINIMUM OR MAXIMUM DONATION FOR SPONSORSHIP? No. We appreciate any amount. There are various levels of sponsorships and certain levels are required to be included on some specific promotional materials, but Mannequin Night is made possible through donations of every size.
IS MY SPONSORSHIP TAX DEDUCTABLE? Yes, we are a Not-For-Profit entity and can provide a W-9 for your tax records.